We provide opportunities for Wisconsin Recruiters to learn and grow
Featured Speaker Doug LaBelle
The Forum, 3333 N Mayfair Road
Wauwatosa, WI 53222
(Kaplan Training Center)
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Event Details
Recruiters are busier than ever… phone, email, text, social media… don’t you wish you had the secret for how to really CONNECT with CUSTOMERS (both your Candidates and your Clients)?
Join ROW for an education session you’ll be glad you made time for…
Recruiters Of Wisconsin is proud to introduce … Doug LaBelle!
CONTENT: Connecting with Customers
Customer service is easy (“May I help you?”). Creating loyal customers is hard. The result will be the difference between customers who easily switch to competitors and customers who stick with you, pay more, and recommend you to their friends.
Join us on Thursday, November 14, 2019 for your morning coffee, and practice skills that create customer loyalty. We’ll be done by lunchtime!
(workbook included)
RSVP to ROW Board VP: Patrick Collins, CPC > patrick@alliancestaff.com